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China Interactive Whiteboard Factory

Il-kumpanija tagħna tispeċjalizza fil-whiteboards interattivi


Whiteboard InterattivIWB 81"Prodotti

XYC Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard 81B20

Post tal-Oriġini: Iċ-Ċina

Isem tad-Ditta: MTHGH

Numru tal-Mudell: XYC81

Kwantità Minima tal-Ordni: 1 Biċċa

Prezz: negozjabbli

Dettalji tal-Ippakkjar: Kartuna + Film tal-plastik (Default)

Ħin ta' Kunsinna: 7-10 Ġranet tax-Xogħol

Termini ta' Ħlas: L/C, T/T, Unjoni tal-Punent

Kapaċità ta' Provvista: 10000 Biċċa

  • Dettall tal-Prodott
  • Why Interactive WhiteBoard
  • FAQs
  • Packing & Delivery


  • Isem tal-Prodott: Whiteboard Interattiv Touch Screen
  • Ħin ta' Rispons: 5ms
  • Kamera: 13MP inkorporat / 48Għażla MP
  • Isem: Smart Education Interactive Whiteboard Nano Blackboard
  • Multi-touch: U / Panel Touch Screen capacitiv
  • Touch Points: 20 Touch Points

Speċifikazzjonijiet tal-Prodott:

Isem tal-Prodott:Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard 81B20Resolution Ratio:5120*2160 5K
Proporzjon ta' l-aspett:21:9Daqs:81 Pulzier
Touch Type:Capacitive 40-point Multi TouchShipping Ways:DHL EMS UPS TNT FEDEX
Color:White, Iswed, CustomizedSeries:For Business
Luminożità:450cd/m2Ħin ta' Rispons:Infra-aħmar
81 inch interactive touch screen electronic whiteboard

81 Introduzzjoni tal-WhiteBoard Interattiva tal-pulzier

81 Inch Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard Corporate Board
81 Inch Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard Corporate Conference Board Function:
1. Diversified Interfaces: The Whole Machine Has Professional Interfaces Such As HDMI, USB, VGA, YPBPR And AV Interfaces.
2. High-Quality LCD Panel: YEATION Imported High-Quality A-Gauge LCD Panel, Which Can Be Used Safely.
3. Clear Picture: The New 3D Image Quality Digital Processing Circuit Is Adopted, Which Is A High-Quality Screen With Clear Picture, Wide Viewing Angle, High Brightness And Bright Colors, Balanced Brightness Of The Whole Screen, High Contrast, And 4K Ultra-High Definition Picture Display And Playback.
4. Reliability Design: The Whole Machine Is Safe And Durable, And The Equipment Has The Characteristics Of Scratch Resistance, Dust Resistance, Oil Pollution Resistance, Electromagnetic Interference Resistance And Light Interference Resistance.
5, LCD Panel Backlight: LED Backlight, Low Power Consumption, Energy Saving And Environmental Protection, Should Have No Signal Automatic Standby Function.
6. It Has The Ability To Automatically Detect And Identify Various Composite Videos, And Can Handle Various Standard RGB Or Commonly Used Nonstandard VGA Signals.
7. It Can Work After Power-On, The Starting Time Should Be Less Than 10 Seconds, And The Stability Is High Enough To Meet The Working Requirements Of 7×24 Hours, So That The System Can Run For A Long Time, And Users Can Directly Turn On And Off The System.
8. Ensure That The Images Viewed In The Up, Down, Left And Right 178-Degree Viewing Angle Are Not Deformed And The Colors Are Not Distorted.
9. Durability: Built-In Power Supply, Low Energy Consumption, And The Service Life Of LCD Screen Can Reach More Than 50,000 Hours.
10. The Operation Mode Of Infrared Remote Control Is Simple And Easy; Built-In Speaker Sound System With Clear Sound Quality.
11. Precision Touch System: Infrared Touch Function, Interactive Experience, High-Precision Touch, Light Resistance, Drive-Free, Plug-And-Play And Other Performances Are Adopted.
12. The Color Of The Whole Machine Is Optional And Easy To Install. It Can Be Used When The Power Is Turned On. It Can Be Fixed On The Wall Or Hung On A Special Mobile Bracket With Four-Way Rollers, Which Is Convenient And Feasible.
13. Product Reliability Design, The Whole Machine Is Safe And Durable, And The Equipment Has The Characteristics Of Scratch Resistance, Dust Prevention, Oil Pollution Prevention, Electromagnetic Interference Resistance And Light Interference Resistance.
14. Built-In High-Configuration Computer Host, Equipped With Intel Fourth-Generation Processor, Can Directly Process Single Interface Output 4K Resolution, Point-To-Point Display, Diversified Interfaces And High




Interactive Tablet Accessories

Interactive Tablet Accessories

Interactive tablet packaging

Interactive tablet packaging

Our Interactive Whiteboard Teaching All-In-One Machine Uses The 20-Point Infrared Touch Function, Has The Dual Systems Of Android And Windows10, The CPU Level Of Windows10 Version Includes I3/I5/I7 Options . Supports The Diversification Of Interfaces, The OPS Host Box Is Easy To Change, Update And Maintain, The Software Supports A Variety Of Windows Software Download, The Picture Quality And HD Is Smooth. We Provide Worry-Free After-Sales Service And Technical Support.

1.Q: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali? X'inhu l-MOQ għall-whiteboards interattivi?

A: Iva, aħna bejgħ dirett tal-fabbrika, inti mistieden iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin. Hemm xi oġġetti fl-istokk u tista 'tordna 1 għall-ittestjar.

2.Q: X'inhu l-ħin tal-kunsinna? Fejn tibgħat whiteboards interattivi?

A: Ġeneralment, oġġetti għal ordnijiet żgħar jistgħu jiġu kkunsinnati fi ħdan 5-7 jiem, u l-ħin tal-produzzjoni għal aktar minn 10 biċċiet huwa madwar 15 jiem. Barra minn hekk, il-fabbrika tagħna tinsab f'GuangmingDistrict, Belt Shenzhen, Jekk għandek speditur fiċ-Ċina, nistgħu ngħinu vapur lill-ispeditur tiegħek.

3.Q: Tista 'tipprovdi OEM&Servizzi ODM għal whiteboard interattiv?

A: Naturalment, inkluż softwer, ippakkjar, logos tal-prodott, eċċ, Għal aktar dettalji, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta. klijent serji.

4.Q: X'inhu l-perjodu ta 'garanzija tal-whiteboard interattiv?

A: Ġeneralment huwa 1 sena, għandna tim ta 'servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ professjonali. Jekk ikun hemm xi kwistjonijiet, int se tirċievi tweġiba minna ġewwa 24 sigħat u soluzzjoni tiġi pprovduta immedjatament.

5.Q: Kif tiżgura l-kwalità tal-whiteboards interattivi?

A: Għandna aktar minn 8 snin ta 'esperjenza ta' produzzjoni. Mill-akkwist tal-materjal għall-kunsinna tal-prodott, għandna l-professjonisti u l-proċeduri tagħna stess biex nipprevjenu riskji ta’ kwalità potenzjali. Il-prodotti tagħna jikkonformaw mas-sistema ta’ kwalità is09001 u CE/FCC/ROHS u standards oħra. Il-prodotti kollha jgħaddu minn spezzjonijiet stretti ta 'kontroll tal-kwalità matul il-proċess tal-produzzjoni. B'mod partikolari, prodotti ta 'esportazzjoni jeħtieġ li jlestu test ta' tixjiħ ta '72 siegħa biex jiżguraw li thereare ebda problemi qabel il-ġarr.

6.Q: Kif tirranġa t-trasport tal-whiteboard interattiv?

A: Jekk tordna kampjun, huwa rrakkomandat li jintbagħat bl-espress (7-10 jiem) jew bl-ajru (10-15 jiem)Jekk tordna produzzjoni tal-massa, huwa rakkomandat li tittrasporta bil-baħar, li huwa aktar favorevoli. Jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta s-servizz tal-konsumatur għal aktar dettalji!

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