Introduction to 65-inch interactive whiteboard
65-inch interactive touch screen multifunctional white version
65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version The 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version is a modern teaching tool that integrates multiple functions. It not only has the advantage of displaying high-definition images, but also can achieve the purpose of interactive teaching. This article will revolve around this topic and is divided into two small parts for introduction and Q&A.
First: Features and advantages of the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version The 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version is a widely used tool in the field of education. It uses a large-size touch screen, allowing teachers to teach by touching, writing and operating with their fingers. This touch screen not only has high-definition display capabilities, but also supports multi-touch and can accept multiple touch inputs at the same time. In addition, it also has built-in rich teaching resources and software for teachers to use, such as courseware, teaching materials, interactive games, eċċ. These features make the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version one of the indispensable tools in modern education.
Second: 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version Q&A
Q: What role can the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version play in teaching?
A: The 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version can present teaching content through images, videos, sounds and other methods, allowing teachers to display knowledge points more vividly and attract students’ attention. At the same time, students can also interact by touching the screen, participate in the teaching process and enhance learning effects.
Q: What educational environments are suitable for the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version?
A: The 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version is suitable for kindergartens, primary schools, middle schools, universities and other grade schools. It can be used for teaching various subjects such as mathematics, Chinese, and science. It can also be used in training institutions, internal training and other scenarios.
Q: What are the tips for using the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version?
A: When using the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version, teachers can use handwriting, annotations, erasing and other functions to explain, so that students can understand and remember more easily. In addition, teachers can also connect computers or mobile devices to project teaching content onto the touch screen for easy demonstration and sharing. Through the above introduction and Q&A, we can understand the importance and practicality of the 65-inch multifunctional interactive touch screen teaching version in modern education. It not only improves teaching effects, but also increases students’ participation and interest, making a positive contribution to education.
Screen Size | 65inch | 75inch | 85inch | 86inch | 98inch | 100inch |
Whole Size (mm) | 1498x918x96 | 1723x1044x99 | 1965x1180x99 | 1965x1180x99 | 2212x1305x106 | 2275x1363x120 |
Packing Size (mm) | 1660x1065x225 | 1875x1185x225 | 2115x1325x225 | 2115x1325x225 | 2435x1490x275 | 2435x1490x275 |
NW (KG) | 45 | 58.5 | 77 | 77 | 92 | 107 |
GW (KG) | 59 | 73.5 | 95 | 95 | 125 | 141 |
Shell Material | Aluminum alloy frame, aluminum back shell |
Color | The default front frame is black (optional silver gray) and black back shell |
65 Inch Interactive WhiteBoard Application
Whiteboard application demo…
Interactive Tablet Accessories
![1 Interactive Tablet Accessories]()
Interactive tablet packaging
![2 Interactive tablet packaging]()
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1.Q: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali? X'inhu l-MOQ għall-whiteboards interattivi?
A: Iva, aħna bejgħ dirett tal-fabbrika, inti mistieden iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin. Hemm xi oġġetti fl-istokk u tista 'tordna 1 għall-ittestjar.
2.Q: X'inhu l-ħin tal-kunsinna? Fejn tibgħat whiteboards interattivi?
A: Ġeneralment, oġġetti għal ordnijiet żgħar jistgħu jiġu kkunsinnati fi ħdan 5-7 jiem, u l-ħin tal-produzzjoni għal aktar minn 10 biċċiet huwa madwar 15 jiem. Barra minn hekk, il-fabbrika tagħna tinsab f'GuangmingDistrict, Belt Shenzhen, Jekk għandek speditur fiċ-Ċina, nistgħu ngħinu vapur lill-ispeditur tiegħek.
3.Q: Tista 'tipprovdi OEM&Servizzi ODM għal whiteboard interattiv?
A: Naturalment, inkluż softwer, ippakkjar, logos tal-prodott, eċċ, Għal aktar dettalji, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta. klijent serji.
4.Q: X'inhu l-perjodu ta 'garanzija tal-whiteboard interattiv?
A: Ġeneralment huwa 1 sena, għandna tim ta 'servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ professjonali. Jekk ikun hemm xi kwistjonijiet, int se tirċievi tweġiba minna ġewwa 24 sigħat u soluzzjoni tiġi pprovduta immedjatament.
5.Q: Kif tiżgura l-kwalità tal-whiteboards interattivi?
A: Għandna aktar minn 8 snin ta 'esperjenza ta' produzzjoni. Mill-akkwist tal-materjal għall-kunsinna tal-prodott, għandna l-professjonisti u l-proċeduri tagħna stess biex nipprevjenu riskji ta’ kwalità potenzjali. Il-prodotti tagħna jikkonformaw mas-sistema ta’ kwalità is09001 u CE/FCC/ROHS u standards oħra. Il-prodotti kollha jgħaddu minn spezzjonijiet stretti ta 'kontroll tal-kwalità matul il-proċess tal-produzzjoni. B'mod partikolari, prodotti ta 'esportazzjoni jeħtieġ li jlestu test ta' tixjiħ ta '72 siegħa biex jiżguraw li thereare ebda problemi qabel il-ġarr.
6.Q: Kif tirranġa t-trasport tal-whiteboard interattiv?
A: Jekk tordna kampjun, huwa rrakkomandat li jintbagħat bl-espress (7-10 jiem) jew bl-ajru (10-15 jiem)Jekk tordna produzzjoni tal-massa, huwa rakkomandat li tittrasporta bil-baħar, li huwa aktar favorevoli. Jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta s-servizz tal-konsumatur għal aktar dettalji!