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Xingyicheng (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.

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China Interactive Whiteboard Factory

Il-kumpanija tagħna tispeċjalizza fil-whiteboards interattivi


Whiteboard InterattivIWB 110"Prodotti

XYC Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard 110B20

Post tal-Oriġini: Iċ-Ċina

Isem tad-Ditta: MTHGH

Numru tal-Mudell: XYC110

Kwantità Minima tal-Ordni: 1 Biċċa

Prezz: negozjabbli

Dettalji tal-Ippakkjar: Kartuna + Film tal-plastik (Default)

Ħin ta' Kunsinna: 7-10 Ġranet tax-Xogħol

Termini ta' Ħlas: L/C, T/T, Unjoni tal-Punent

Kapaċità ta' Provvista: 10000 Biċċa

  • Dettall tal-Prodott
  • Why Interactive WhiteBoard
  • FAQs
  • Packing & Delivery

Speċifikazzjonijiet tal-Prodott

Isem tal-Prodott:Whiteboard Interattiv Touch ScreenResolution:3840X2160 4K
Display:LED/LCDScreen Size:110 Inches
Luminożità:450cd/m2Operating System:16:9
Interface:HDMI, VGA, USBMemorja:4G/8G/16G/32G/64G/128G/512G Optional
Touch Points:20-192 Points OptionalTouch Technology:Infrared/Capacitive/Resistive
Dawn t'hawn fuq huma speċifikazzjonijiet tekniċi għal referenza biss! Ikkonsulta lill-manifattur għal speċifikazzjonijiet dettaljati

110 Introduzzjoni tal-WhiteBoard Interattiva tal-pulzier

4K Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard 110 Inch Smart Board for indoor

IR interactive touch panel 65″ 75″ 86″ 98″110″ For smart classroom

​​Ⅰ. Description Of interactive touch panel

A IR interactive touch panel is a computer driven device, allowing users to access and manipulate electronic files by means of a LCD display. The interactive LCD will be connected to a computer with USB, and the computer then connected back to the LCD with a video cable.It is as known as interactive screen, interactive whiteboard, smart whiteboard, touch screen display, touch monitor, LED touch monitor, touch interactive display, interactive flat panel display, touchscreens , eċċ.

Our company has a strong R&D team and our interactive touch panel is independently developed and produced, integrates LED display, computer, speaker, electronic whiteboard, TV and other functions in one.


​​II. Our Strength:

14 snin’ experience on making OEM/ODM interactive flat panels and digital interactive whiteboard

products sold to more than 80 countires in the world

Own developed Infrared technology

ODM/OEM Support

SKD support

Customized size

Easy for after-sales service

Shortest delivery time

Top quality in this field

Best Value


​​II. Product Advantage Feactures

With three side ultra slim bezel, the bezel width is only 10mm, adding the black edge of display area, only 20mm.

With non-air gap (zero gap) glass design, make writing experience very good and actual visual angle wider

​​III. Parameter specifications

Customizable parameters
Screen Size
Whole Size (mm)
Packing Size (mm)
Shell Material
Aluminum alloy frame, aluminum back shell
The default front frame is black (optional silver gray) and black back shell

Remark: For more details of the specification , please contact us to know more detials.


OEM IR Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard For smart classroom 1OEM IR Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard For smart classroom 2OEM IR Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard For smart classroom 3

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OEM IR Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard For smart classroom 5

We have rich experience in OEM/ODM service for overseascustomers.And our products are sold to more than 80countries.Our goal is to become the world’s number oneinteractive device and smart campus solution provider.

In 2019, we have once again expanded the scale and movedthe GuanZhou branch to Guangming district of Shenzhen. Thefactory area has been upgraded from 10,000 m2 to 23,000 m?The R&D center, purchasing center and after-sales centerhave been cooperating with the production lines to improveproduction efficiency and focus on providing customers withbetter products and services. Youre welcome to visit ourcompany and we’re looking forward to working with you


Interactive Tablet Accessories

Interactive Tablet Accessories

Interactive tablet packaging

Interactive tablet packaging

Our Interactive Whiteboard Teaching All-In-One Machine Uses The 20-Point Infrared Touch Function, Has The Dual Systems Of Android And Windows10, The CPU Level Of Windows10 Version Includes I3/I5/I7 Options . Supports The Diversification Of Interfaces, The OPS Host Box Is Easy To Change, Update And Maintain, The Software Supports A Variety Of Windows Software Download, The Picture Quality And HD Is Smooth. We Provide Worry-Free After-Sales Service And Technical Support.

1.Q: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali? X'inhu l-MOQ għall-whiteboards interattivi?

A: Iva, aħna bejgħ dirett tal-fabbrika, inti mistieden iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin. Hemm xi oġġetti fl-istokk u tista 'tordna 1 għall-ittestjar.

2.Q: X'inhu l-ħin tal-kunsinna? Fejn tibgħat whiteboards interattivi?

A: Ġeneralment, oġġetti għal ordnijiet żgħar jistgħu jiġu kkunsinnati fi ħdan 5-7 jiem, u l-ħin tal-produzzjoni għal aktar minn 10 biċċiet huwa madwar 15 jiem. Barra minn hekk, il-fabbrika tagħna tinsab f'GuangmingDistrict, Belt Shenzhen, Jekk għandek speditur fiċ-Ċina, nistgħu ngħinu vapur lill-ispeditur tiegħek.

3.Q: Tista 'tipprovdi OEM&Servizzi ODM għal whiteboard interattiv?

A: Naturalment, inkluż softwer, ippakkjar, logos tal-prodott, eċċ, Għal aktar dettalji, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta. klijent serji.

4.Q: X'inhu l-perjodu ta 'garanzija tal-whiteboard interattiv?

A: Ġeneralment huwa 1 sena, għandna tim ta 'servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ professjonali. Jekk ikun hemm xi kwistjonijiet, int se tirċievi tweġiba minna ġewwa 24 sigħat u soluzzjoni tiġi pprovduta immedjatament.

5.Q: Kif tiżgura l-kwalità tal-whiteboards interattivi?

A: Għandna aktar minn 8 snin ta 'esperjenza ta' produzzjoni. Mill-akkwist tal-materjal għall-kunsinna tal-prodott, għandna l-professjonisti u l-proċeduri tagħna stess biex nipprevjenu riskji ta’ kwalità potenzjali. Il-prodotti tagħna jikkonformaw mas-sistema ta’ kwalità is09001 u CE/FCC/ROHS u standards oħra. Il-prodotti kollha jgħaddu minn spezzjonijiet stretti ta 'kontroll tal-kwalità matul il-proċess tal-produzzjoni. B'mod partikolari, prodotti ta 'esportazzjoni jeħtieġ li jlestu test ta' tixjiħ ta '72 siegħa biex jiżguraw li thereare ebda problemi qabel il-ġarr.

6.Q: Kif tirranġa t-trasport tal-whiteboard interattiv?

A: Jekk tordna kampjun, huwa rrakkomandat li jintbagħat bl-espress (7-10 jiem) jew bl-ajru (10-15 jiem)Jekk tordna produzzjoni tal-massa, huwa rakkomandat li tittrasporta bil-baħar, li huwa aktar favorevoli. Jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta s-servizz tal-konsumatur għal aktar dettalji!

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