This Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard is the perfect teaching board touch screen for any classroom or presentation setting. With connectivity options like HDMI, USB, Bluetooth, u Wi-Fi, you can easily connect to a variety of devices. The built-in software includes Android APPs and Interactive Whiteboard Software, providing endless possibilities for interactive teaching and presenting. With a brightness of 350cd/m2 and 20 touch points, this touch screen teaching board is sure to impress. Barra minn hekk, the built-in camera provides a 13MP option or a 48MP option for clear and high-quality visuals.
Product specifications:
Isem tal-Prodott:
Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard 105B20
Resolution Ratio:
5120*2160 5K
Proporzjon ta' l-aspett:
105 Pulzier
Touch Type:
Capacitive 40-Point Multi Touch
Shipping Ways:
White, Iswed, Customized
For Business
Ħin ta' Rispons:
105 Inch Interactive Touch Screen Electronic Whiteboard
XYC Interactive Touch Screen Whiteboard 105B20
1. Equipped with a 48MP high-definition camera, it ensures high-quality interaction and details during video conferencing and remote collaboration, bringing a high-quality video call experience.
2. The smart whiteboard is equipped with rich intelligent software, including real-time collaboration, document editing, whiteboard functions, etc., to meet the needs of various scenarios.
3. The screen adopts zero-adhesion technology to present a seamless and continuous picture. This design allows users to enjoy a more immersive visual experience when using the smart whiteboard.
4. The 8-array microphone system provides high-quality audio input for remote meetings and teaching, ensuring that participants can clearly hear the voice of each speaker, thereby achieving more efficient communication and collaboration.
5. The front Type-C interface design allows you to control the screen projection through a laptop. You can also use its camera, microphone and speaker directly from the laptop.
6. Easily access interactive whiteboard video conferencing applications and wireless projection. We allow users to personalize the homepage, and at the same time, they can customize the boot animation to us.
Meeting Room
Classroom teaching
1.Q: Int fabbrika jew kumpanija kummerċjali? X'inhu l-MOQ għall-whiteboards interattivi?
A: Iva, aħna bejgħ dirett tal-fabbrika, inti mistieden iżżur il-fabbrika tagħna fi kwalunkwe ħin. Hemm xi oġġetti fl-istokk u tista 'tordna 1 għall-ittestjar.
2.Q: X'inhu l-ħin tal-kunsinna? Fejn tibgħat whiteboards interattivi?
A: Ġeneralment, oġġetti għal ordnijiet żgħar jistgħu jiġu kkunsinnati fi ħdan 5-7 jiem, u l-ħin tal-produzzjoni għal aktar minn 10 biċċiet huwa madwar 15 jiem. Barra minn hekk, il-fabbrika tagħna tinsab f'GuangmingDistrict, Belt Shenzhen, Jekk għandek speditur fiċ-Ċina, nistgħu ngħinu vapur lill-ispeditur tiegħek.
3.Q: Tista 'tipprovdi OEM&Servizzi ODM għal whiteboard interattiv?
A: Naturalment, inkluż softwer, ippakkjar, logos tal-prodott, eċċ, Għal aktar dettalji, jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta. klijent serji.
4.Q: X'inhu l-perjodu ta 'garanzija tal-whiteboard interattiv?
A: Ġeneralment huwa 1 sena, għandna tim ta 'servizz ta' wara l-bejgħ professjonali. Jekk ikun hemm xi kwistjonijiet, int se tirċievi tweġiba minna ġewwa 24 sigħat u soluzzjoni tiġi pprovduta immedjatament.
5.Q: Kif tiżgura l-kwalità tal-whiteboards interattivi?
A: Għandna aktar minn 8 snin ta 'esperjenza ta' produzzjoni. Mill-akkwist tal-materjal għall-kunsinna tal-prodott, għandna l-professjonisti u l-proċeduri tagħna stess biex nipprevjenu riskji ta’ kwalità potenzjali. Il-prodotti tagħna jikkonformaw mas-sistema ta’ kwalità is09001 u CE/FCC/ROHS u standards oħra. Il-prodotti kollha jgħaddu minn spezzjonijiet stretti ta 'kontroll tal-kwalità matul il-proċess tal-produzzjoni. B'mod partikolari, prodotti ta 'esportazzjoni jeħtieġ li jlestu test ta' tixjiħ ta '72 siegħa biex jiżguraw li thereare ebda problemi qabel il-ġarr.
6.Q: Kif tirranġa t-trasport tal-whiteboard interattiv?
A: Jekk tordna kampjun, huwa rrakkomandat li jintbagħat bl-espress (7-10 jiem) jew bl-ajru (10-15 jiem)Jekk tordna produzzjoni tal-massa, huwa rakkomandat li tittrasporta bil-baħar, li huwa aktar favorevoli. Jekk jogħġbok ikkonsulta s-servizz tal-konsumatur għal aktar dettalji!