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Xingyicheng(심천) 기술 유한회사, 주식회사.

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China Interactive Whiteboard Factory

저희 회사는 인터랙티브 화이트보드 전문업체입니다.



맞춤형 디스플레이의 결함은 소프트 결함과 하드 결함으로 구분됩니다.

According to the fault classification of the customized display, there are the following fault phenomena:

Black screen

When the computer is turned on, no image appears after a few minutes. At this time, you should first check whether the power indicator on the customized display panel is on.

If the power indicator of the customized display is on, restart the computer at this time, and pay attention to whether the indicator light of the host is flashing, and whether there is a beep in the host. If so, the computer has started normally.

The energy-saving customized display will automatically work in the corresponding state and mode according to the line and field synchronization signal sent by the host, and the indicator light on the panel will indicate the corresponding state at the same time. Usually orange flashing-shutdown or sleep, orange-suspended, yellow-waiting, green-normal display.

When the custom display is black, after careful inspection, it is not the fault of the host. At this time, it is best not to power on the custom display continuously or for a long time to avoid the expansion of the fault.



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