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ज़िंगीचेंग(शेन्ज़ेन)टेक्नोलॉजी कंपनी।, लिमिटेड.

हमारे बारे में संपर्क करें |

China Interactive Whiteboard Factory

हमारी कंपनी इंटरैक्टिव व्हाइटबोर्ड में माहिर है



Custom Digital Signage-system Overview

Customized digital signage software is a high-definition multimedia display technology that uses LCD screens to display corporate publicity and real-time notifications in all directions. The system combines audio and video, TV screens, pictures, animations, texts, documents, web pages, streaming media, database data, वगैरह. into a section of wonderful programs, and pushes the produced programs in real time to distributed locations through the network. The media display terminal can display wonderful pictures and real-time information in various places.

डिजिटल निर्देशक या चेतावनी संकेतक

Make the broadcast content no longer limited to the existing fixed material, make the broadcast content more flexible, rich, and clear at a glance.



उत्तर छोड़ दें

54 − 50 =

एक संदेश छोड़ें

    3 + 5 =