3800/4100 Lumens XYC Film And Television Projector Xga 1920×1080 Kõrge heledus
Mthgh ILP-U Series Ultra Short-Throw XYC Laser Projector For Education And Business
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 01]()
1,Ultra short, limited space, big image.
The short throw projector has been accepted and used in education for years. With the laser ultra short throw projector, it brings the higher brightness, long lifetime, and better color saturation, more reliable from technology perspective.
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 02]()
2,Laser diode light source, 20000+ hours of lifetime.
With the laser ultra short throw projector, it brings the higher brightness, longlifetime, and better color saturation, more reliable in technology
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 03]()
3.3800lumens of high brightness, 100000:1 of high contrast ratio, can be used in even a bright environment without worry.
With 3800 lumen brightness, even in a bright environment, the picture is still bright and sharp.
With high contrast, it makes the gray scale of the picture very delicate, the depth of field is extremely rich, the high light position and the details of the black position are clearly visible which generates super high quality picture.
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 04]()
4.By using brilliantColor technology, while improving the brightness, the Saturation of color is increased, so that the color reduction is more real and vivid.
By phasing in the new generation of optical engine makes the color gamut greatly enhanced to reach the international standard of Rec.709 color gamut.
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 05]()
5. 3D color + piecewise current adjustment technology, color can be adjusted.
According to the needs. Support the 3D display function, it brings immersive virtual simulation experiences to all kinds of learning, so that the learning is full of fun.
6. Support 3D (blue light 3D format also supports)
Support the 3D display function, bring the virtual simulation experience for all kinds of learning, and makes the learning fun.
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 08]()
7.Auto power on
When the VGA signal from the computer is detected, the power supply of the projector is automatically turned on.
![3800 Luumenid 4100 Lumens XYC Laser Projector 1920X1080 Supports 4:3 09]()
8.Security and stability protection:
The color wheel built a comprehensive protection software, when the color wheel works abnormal, the laser phosphor light source is closed automatically to avoid the direct light . With the Laser phosphor light temperature protection software to ensure
that the projector can work normally at different temperatures (patent in application)
9.Personalized user interface, users can choose their favorite interface with no doubt.
10. The additional ESD dust filter (optional): with the super large high quality
ESD dust filter can prevent dust from entering into the projector in any way. It enhances the safe use of the projector while preventing the dust and prolonging the life of optional engine and the projector is stable even if it is used for a long time.
11.Wifi control switch (optional), as long as there is Wifi, you can control the projector On/Off by mobile phone.
12.Pen/Hand touch interactive function(optional)
An interactive projector allows demo files to be controlled by using an interactive electronic pen.
Online Resources Are Available For Reference. Please Ask The Factory Salesperson For Details.
1.K: Kas olete tehas või kaubandusettevõte?? Mis on interaktiivsete tahvlite MOQ?
A: Jah, oleme tehase otsemüük, olete teretulnud meie tehast igal ajal külastama. There are some items in stock and you can order 1 testimiseks.
2.K: Mis on tarneaeg? Kuhu te interaktiivseid tahvleid tarnite??
A: Üldiselt öeldes, Väikeste tellimuste kaupa saab kohale toimetada 5-7 päevadel, ja tootmisaeg rohkem kui 10 tükki on umbes 15 päevadel. Lisaks, meie tehas asub Guangmingi piirkonnas, Shenzheni linn, Kui teil on Hiinas ekspediitor, saame aidata teie ekspediitorile saata.
3.K: Kas saaksite pakkuda OEM-i&ODM-teenused interaktiivse tahvli jaoks?
A: Muidugi, sealhulgas tarkvara, pakendamine, toodete logod, jne, Lisateabe saamiseks, palun konsulteerige. kliendiseeria.
4.K: Mis on interaktiivse tahvli garantiiaeg?
A: Üldiselt on 1 aastal, meil on professionaalne müügijärgse teeninduse meeskond. Kui teil on probleeme, saate meilt vastuse 24 tundi ja lahendus antakse kohe.
5.K: Kuidas tagada interaktiivsete tahvlite kvaliteet?
A: Meil on rohkem kui 8 aastane tootmiskogemus. Alates materjali hankimisest kuni toote tarnimiseni, meil on oma spetsialistid ja protseduurid võimalike kvaliteediriskide vältimiseks. Meie tooted vastavad kvaliteedisüsteemi is09001 ning CE/FCC/ROHS ja muudele standarditele. Kõik tooted läbivad tootmisprotsessi ajal range kvaliteedikontrolli. Eelkõige, eksporditavad tooted peavad läbima 72-tunnise vananemistesti, et veenduda, et enne saatmist pole probleeme.
6.K: Kuidas korraldate interaktiivse tahvli transporti?
A: Kui tellite näidise, on soovitatav saata kiirpostiga (7-10 päevadel) või õhuga (10-15 päevadel)Kui tellite masstootmise, soovitatav on saata meritsi, mis on soodsam. Lisateabe saamiseks võtke ühendust klienditeenindusega!